Rephael House are excited, that with funding from the Barnet Innovation Fund, we will be providing a number of parenting groups over the coming year. Over the last 25 years we have learnt many lessons and one fundamental lesson is that supporting parents/carers supports children and young people and allows parents/carers and child to communicate in a more positive way. With this in mind, we have created a six-week bespoke parenting workshop. The importance of getting these groups up and running has been exacerbated by the pandemic, which has seen increase in mental health issues and consequently the number of referrals received at Rephael House. Experience has shown us that when the parent accesses psychoeducation and the children are accessing therapeutic support this can really enhance the relationship.
Having a child with mental health issues can sometimes impact on the family as a whole. In some cases, the difficulties presented by the child can be adjusted by taking a more systemic approach to the process and working with the parents/carers of the child to further improve outcomes and the longevity of improvements made.
These groups will be facilitated by qualified therapists with excellent knowledge of children and young people. They have worked hard to produce a bespoke programme; this understanding of children and young people will enable the groups to be tailored specifically to attendees and will be client led.
The initial aim of these groups is to reinforce the support we provide children and young people who access our services, encouraging longer term positive outcomes. At the same time, it will support parents/carers, improving their own mental health, as well as the whole family unit.
Psychoeducation illuminates, and therefore gives an understanding of why a child might be experiencing or behaving in the ways they do. It can support with problem-solving and communication skills as well as provide education and resources in an empathetic and supportive environment. Results from studies indicate psychoeducation improves family well-being, lowers rates of relapse and enables and improves recovery.
We often hear from parents/carers who think that they are alone in what they are going through or feel that they cannot talk to others because of fear of judgement. They also believe that other families have “perfect” relationships with their children and know just what to do when their child is suffering. With the rise of social media, and the posting of ‘perfect’ pictures, this has been heightened even further.
Research shows that 50% of adult mental illness starts before the age of 14. Supporting children/young people and their parents/carers as early as possible ensures that problems can be identified and addressed early on.
Providing these groups, as well as providing psychoeducation, will assure parents/carers that they are not alone. In addition to being able to talk to qualified therapists, they will be able to talk to others who understand the challenges, emotions, and practicalities that they’re dealing with every day.
The topics covered will include self-harm, anger, anxiety, brain development and changes, positive parenting, and psychoeducation.
Groups will run during the day on a Friday in term time and will run for 6 weeks each. There is a £30 fee to cover resources and refreshments.
If you are interested in taking part please sign up here: