To refer for all of our in-house and outreach services please click the appropriate link either on the left hand side or at the bottom of the page (depending on the device you are viewing the website on).
Using the options you can refer to the most appropriate service for you. Once you have completed and submitted the form you will be sent and e-mail acknowledging receipt of your information. This will be followed by a telephone call to further assess your needs and the process of being placed with a therapist will be explained to you. This usually involves being placed on a waiting list and although we always endeavour to place people as soon as possible, we are a very heavily subscribed service, and this may take up to 8 weeks and sometimes longer depending upon your availability.
Please ensure you refer to the appropriate service as this makes the process of being seen quicker.
Professionals or self-referral are accepted however professionals need to provide the contact details of the person/parent/carer of the person they are referring please.